Good characters of A shape folding ladder. New Sangthai got the answer.

Last updated: 6 Jul 2022  |  1248 Views  | 

Good characters of A shape folding ladder. New Sangthai got the answer.

·       Made of thick and strong aluminium in good quality. Ladder must accept user’s weight together with equipment. Also, aluminium ladder should be strong enough to accept movement during uses.

·       Strong and straight step pedals. Step pedals must not twist or incline also hold balanced construction.

·       The steps are just the right width. They should not too small for putting your feet. This is important when you go up to work, you have to stand for a long time. If you have an inappropriate step size, this might causes you feet pain.

·       The ladder’s legs must attach anti-slip rubbers. This should not be plastic because they cause slippage and accident.

·       There is a lock or sling to each side.  The strong ladder can accept weight when we go up. This part must be before use. To the safety of the A shaped aluminum ladder.

·       Proper aluminium ladder size is important. If the size is not right and suitable for our regular use, it found only useless. We need to consider the right size and use at the time.

·       These are all characteristics of a good A-shape aluminium ladder presented in the NEWCON.

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